Looking after you…
We have created our Planners, Companions and Workbooks to be a supportive tools on your therapeutic journey. Please work within your own parameters of safety with regard to working with your internal system and parts. Working with vulnerable parts is outside the scope of all our products, and we recommend you work with those parts in a therapeutic space.
If at any time you feel you are in crisis or think you may have an emergency, call your emergency services provider or 000/911 immediately. If you are having thoughts of suicide or self harm, call Lifeline on 131114 immediately to talk to a skilled, trained counsellor.
The legal stuff we need to include…
Non-medical advice disclaimer
The IFS Planners, Companions and Workbooks are designed to be supportive tools to your therapeutic process. They are not designed or intended to replace or deliver therapy or professional health advice, and you are responsible for determining the suitability or otherwise of the IFS planners, companions and workbooks for your needs. We recommend that you always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition or mental health.
Limitation of liability disclaimer/use at your own risk disclaimer
If you take any action or inaction as a result of any of the content you consume from The All Parts Collective webpage, social pages or the IFS planners, companions and workbooks this is solely at your discretion. The authors cannot be held liable for any of the consequences of such action or inaction. The use of all information, materials and products is at your own risk and you assume sole responsibility for your use of, and/or reliance on them.
No guarantees disclaimer
We hope that the processes outlined in the All Parts Collective products help you to get to know your parts and internal system more. However, we make no representations or warranties with respect to your use of these products and cannot guarantee these, or any other, results. We welcome any feedback you have about your experience so we can continually improve the our products.